NASA are pleased to announce that subject to any ongoing local restrictions we will be issuing race meeting permits for events after March 29th, 2021
This timeline applies so far to clubs/venues in ENGLAND only. We will issue updates covering Southern and Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland as soon as the respective national governments have published their strategies
The Government announcement on February 22nd confirmed that the lockdown imposed on January 4th will be lifted and “Formally organised outdoor sports – for adults and under 18s - can also restart and will not be subject to the gatherings limits, but should be compliant with guidance issued by national governing bodies”
STEP 1 - MARCH 29th
• One day race meetings can commence
• Only NASA LICENCE HOLDERS and accompanied children (under 16) can attend Race Meetings
• Pre-Booking into Race Meetings will be required
• Individual Clubs will set their entry levels based on their venue
STEP 2 - APRIL 12th
• Camping to be allowed 1 night only ¬(Camping allowed on the night before Race Day only)
STEP 3 – May 17th
• 2 Day Meetings can commence
• Camping allowed on the night before Race Day only ie Event Saturday & Sunday camping will be allowed on the Friday & Saturday night only
STEP 4 – June 21st
• All restrictions lifted
• Non-NASA Members can now attend meetings
• BAS & UKAC to continue with their Series
At all stages everyone attending events is expected to adhere to the latest guidance concerning track and trace, social distancing, and other recommended precautions
Nationals will take place on the dates in the 2021 fixtures
The Ladies & Juniors will take place at Radford Autograss as planned.
The Men’s nationals are currently being discussed and more information will be released shortly
We are excited following Boris’s roadmap to normality & NASAs desire to run a full fixture list to confirm the beginning of the 2021 BAS on June 26th/27th at Stroud, of course subject to the latest Government guidelines. This will become Round 1 of our series followed by the 3 further confirmed Rounds featured in the NASA fixture list culminating hopefully at a finale at a venue to be confirmed on the reserve date.
This is exciting news so please spread the word, some things may not be totally as normal with this year’s series, but the important thing is ‘let’s go racing’👍
With regards to the recent government announcement and NASA’s announcement for the 2021 season, the UK committee are putting forward our proposal. We would like to start our 2021 season with round 2 at the end of June, run remaining rounds as planned and implement the reserve date with location to be confirmed in due course
NASA would like to thank all its members for their patience and look forward to racing in 2021
Please note the above information is assuming the Government guidelines
and dates do not change.
Just a quick note to explain the requirement for all adult attendees to hold NASA licences in the early stages of our plan. This addresses feedback from members who weren't allowed to attend last year's practice events because they weren't able to accompany a booked in racer. They'll now be able to register to attend while still maintaining the necessary principle of a "behind closed doors" meeting. This will also give friends and families of members an opportunity to become more involved in the sport by purchasing a member's or mechanic's licence at a small cost.
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