All cars must be presented with relevant holes drilled for the fitting of sealing tags prior to racing. See spec sheet for appropriate car/engine.
These seals must be fitted prior to the commencement of the 2nd attended meeting, otherwise you will be compelled to race in an unrestricted class and score no points for your registered restricted class.
Seals may only be removed with the authority of the Chief Scrutineer in his presence or nominated Assistant.
Any dismantling and or removing of components may only be done following authority from the Chief Scrutineer.
Engines/Gearboxes and associated components must be made available for checking at post season scrutineering at the nominated date and venue as below.
Cars/Engines must be scrutineered prior to disposal before designated end of season scrutineering. i.e. if you wish to sell on your car and retain any position within both League and Club Championships.
Any mid season scrutineering must be recorded in the Drivers Rule Book.
This form must be returned to the appropriate Scrutineer and then passed on to League Points Secretary. Points will not be awarded/recorded until Point Secretary has been advised that your car complies with the relevant Class and sealing rules as required by the East Anglian League.
End of the year positions will be automatically cancelled should any of the above rules be breeched. A further ban from competing in a restricted class for a minimum of 2 years may also be incurred.